What We Are:
The Kennebunkport Business Association (KBA) is an all volunteer, non-profit organization of local merchants, restaurateurs, innkeepers and other tourist-related businesses which share the objectives of the KBA as stated in our by-laws. Membership is exclusive to businesses in Kennebunkport, Cape Porpoise and Kennebunk’s Lower Village.

Our purpose is to work to make our villages pleasant and friendly places for all who visit and shop here. We share the common goal of promoting our area to both the tourist trade and the local residents while preserving the uniqueness of our very special New England community.

Our most successful accomplishment is Kennebunkport’s Christmas Prelude™, the ten-day holiday celebration that spans the first two weekends of December. The festival – owned, created, produced and paid for entirely by the KBA through its membership support – enjoys national awareness and has been covered by various media outlets over the years. The first weekend of Prelude is not only the single busiest weekend of the year for most businesses, it presents the most viable means for local civic organizations to fundraise and, in doing so, helps build goodwill between local residents and the business community.

KBA is actively involved in town services and issues regarding the betterment of the community and fulfilling the purposes of the organization. To that end, you will find KBA members on community committees and the Board of Selectmen, attending Selectmen, Planning Board, Budget Board and Town meetings and focusing on issues critical to KBA and its members (motor coach traffic, restrooms, parking lot fees, town lighting, land use ordinances, and other specific needs of the town).

In contrast to the Chamber of Commerce, we specifically focus on the concerns of our three villages. You get to know your neighboring businesses on a personal level.

How To Join:
Contact any Board Member or EMAIL kbanewmember@gmail.com if you would like more information or to join our organization. Annual Dues are $245 and include listings with unlimited photographs on both kennebunkport.org and christmasprelude.com, a listing in our yearly Visitor’s Guide, and inclusion in our Prelude Schedule of Events (plus advertising and event sponsorship opportunities). Membership is limited to businesses in Kennebunkport, Cape Porpoise, and Lower Village Kennebunk.

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